Sunday, April 12, 2009


What a better way to start playing around with Apture than with the Beatles? This is actually pretty cool and doesn't take long to download.


Colleen McGarry said...

Sweet! If you need help, please let us know, but it looks like you've got a handle on Apture. :) We'll keep an eye out for the awesome content you're creating.

Katherine Anderson said...

It's so hard for me to comment on something like Gay Marriage. I'm so torn on the subject. I grew up in a very strict, Catholic household. Therefore, without me going into any details, you can understand what I was taught. As I've grown up and become my own person, I've grown to accept the lifestyles of others. Whereas I do believe church and state should be separated, I also realize I have strong views on other subjects where, I believe, the church's view should be legalized. I don't know if that's fair for me to support the church in one way and not in the other. It's not like I don't understand politics, it's just hard to separate what your heart says and what your head screams. ...Maybe that's exactly the way I feel about the separation of church and state?

Marks said...

Katherine, I understand your argument. But at the same time it's not like every church HAS to allow gay marriage, you know what I mean? Hence the reason it's still not a federal decision.

I just don't like when people judge others based on their private sex life. "You are a man and you have sex with men so you can't get married." I don't know about that. They aren't affecting anyone else.

That's just my opinion though and I respect yours as well.

I think the WORST is when people go so overboard about pushing their ideas on a large group of people and it creates all this animosity. Especially when it's based on nothing. People are allowed to have their own opinions that's what creates diversity... and HEALTHY debate.